Fanni Mészáros on Trend FM's Conscious Consumer program
A nyár folyamán a Gazdasági Versenyhivatal (GVH) által támogatott Tudatos Fogyasztó című műsorba kapott meghívást az APPLiA Magyarország cégvezetője, Mészáros Fanni.
During the summer, Fanni Mészáros, company manager of APPLiA Hungary, was invited to the program “Conscious Consumer”, promoted by the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH).
The topics of the discussion were microplastics and Right to Repair on July 21 and 25, respectively, during which our company manager was interviewed by reporter András Érczfalvi.
Thank you to GVH for the opportunity!
The microplastic interview can be heard here.
The interview on the right to repair can be heard here.