The Let’s live smarter! campaign has launched

Új tervekkel érkeztünk 2022-be: ebben az évben szeretnénk a háztartásoknak tanácsokat adni arra vonatkozóan, mi mindent tehetnek meg azért, hogy a háztartási készülékeik romoljanak el.



We welcomed 2022 with new plans: this year we would like to give households advices on what they can do to prevent their domestic appliances from breaking down. Throughout the year, we will cover a specific topic each month with the help of András Érczfalvi, the reporter of Trend FM. The guests of the program will be Fanni Mészáros, the company manager of APPLiA Hungary Society, and service manager Tamás Madarász.

Tamás is the author of the technical book titled Professional training for household appliance technicians, from which future household appliance technicians are learning for the second year now. He took it into his head that he would produce a similar book, but for households. In the framework of “Monitor Afternoon with András Érczfalvi” (Monitor Délután Érczfalvi Andrással) program, we will go through the chapters of this upcoming book on by one in 2022 during individual radio interviews. The expected publication of the book is in 2023.

According to our plans, in addition to the radio interviews and the book, the campaign will also be complemented by short animated films.

We gladly look forward to welcoming everyone who is interested. You can find the information on the current program on our Facebook page. And on our YouTube channel, you can listen to our previous interviews.

The broadcast from January can be listened to here!